Volos Plant
The HERACLES G.C.C. plant in Volos is the largest cement production plant of HERACLES Group and one of the most significant Holcim plants in Europe, producing 7 types of cement, clinker, solid fuels and aggregates that the Group trades in both domestic and international markets.
A key pillar of the Factory's development is its continuous modernization and the strengthening of its competitiveness, so that it effectively responds to the challenges of the Greek industry, and in particular, the building materials sector. The modern technologies adopted and the constant upgrade of equipment and procedures, ensure a high level of operations and a safe working environment, creating added value for all stakeholders.
Within the context of Sustainable Development Goals, the Volos plant implements a long-term plan of targeted actions that primarily focus on the environment and the improvement of its performance. More specifically, actions are mainly taken to reduce dust emissions and restrict pollution, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, conserve natural resources and upgrade plant facility. Volos plant has also established new operating standards that not only comply with, but also exceed, the legislative requirements:
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Certification
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
Quarry Rehabilitation Program
Research and protection of local Biodiversity
The Volos plant has been a reference point for the local economy and society for more than 90 years by contributing substantially to their support and development.
In recent years, Volos plant has been constantly evolving and improving. Our peoples commitment and dedication towards promoting and supporting HERACLES Group strategy for Sustainable Development has been a crucial factor of this progress.
The plant’s actions are primarily focused on improving our people's Health & Safety, our partners and the local community, reducing our environmental footprint through systematic emission control, the proper management of quarries and the assurance of operations in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
For all of us at HERACLES Group, Health & Safety is a fundamental value and a non-negotiable priority. We implement the Holcim Health & Safety Policy with a view to zero accidents.
The Volos plant has achieved significant progress in recent years with systematic effort. TProtective measures related to equipment, means of personal protection, standards and procedures for all work performed are in place. Moreover, appropriate training programs that promote safe behaviour and nourishes a Health & Safety culture occur on a regular basis. Our goal is to conduct our business with zero harm to people while minimizing our environmental footprint. We embed HSE processes within our management systems to position our business for success.
The Volos plant implements a long-term strategy of targeted actions that primarily focus on the environment and the improvement of the plant's performance. The strategy includes actions that are mainly focused to reducing dust and carbon dioxide emissions, the conservation of natural resources and upgrading the plant facility.
In order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, save and gradually replace non-renewable fossil fuels, the Volos plant utilises biomass from residues of cotton and corn crops in the region of Thessaly SRF, RDF and ABI (Dried Organic Sludge).
To reduce dust emissions, the plant has installed a hybrid filter in RT1 (rotary kiln 1), that exceeds the requirements of current industry standards. Its performance is independent of temperature, humidity and external factors.
The Volos plant receives treated water from a neighbouring refreshment beverage industry, thus reducing water consumption from wells. This sustainable practice is a typical example of industrial symbiosis, where the industrial waste of one company is utilised in the industrial processes of another.
The plant fully meets the requirements of the EN ISO 14001: 2004 standard of ELOT concerning the environmental management system.
Volos plant focuses upon the strategy of controlling carbon dioxide emissions. It is systematically monitoring emissions and energy consumption, examining results and setting new targets for further reductions. At the same time, it is designing and implementing environmental programs.
Volos plant has 4 nearby quarries:
- in Platanos for limestone,
- in Sesklo for clay,
- in Anavra for chert and
- in the Soros region for shale.
By implementing a special rehabilitation program for each quarry, our goal is to deliver to the local community an area with more biodiversity compared to prior of the operation, as well as improve the landscape created after the operation. The privately owned plant nursery grows 20,000 trees every year, used to rehabilitate quarries.
All stages of production require high-level technical skills, strict adherence to procedures and strong team spirit. Regular and intensive training programs ensure the appropriate technical training and the development of our people skills, as well as the continuous improvement of our performance in Health & Safety.
The plant’s facilities are fully automated and centrally controlled by the control room. The specialized operators oversee the plant's overall operations, inspect the facilities and make the necessary adjustments to the production process. At the same time, we are constantly monitoring the environmental performance of the plant. Dust and gas emissions are measured and analyzed so that there is complete control of the process and the possibility for immediate and timely intervention.
Volos plant follows high quality control standards. It is certified for the Quality Management System according to ISO 9001: 2008. Moreover, the types of cement it produces are certified with the CE marking in accordance with European Standard EN 197-1.
Following the success of 2008 when the plant’s laboratory took first place among 171 Holcim laboratories all over the world, in 2009 we claimed the third place with a LAI index of 100% amongst 213 business units. The performance index LAI (Lab Accuracy Index) characterizes the accuracy and reliability between laboratories.
Our plant in Volos significantly contributes to the financial and social development of the region. We strengthened the local economy during the period 2012-2014 by allocating 135 million Euros for the remuneration of employees and local partners. We have at the same time undertaken initiatives to support local actions and social groups by contributing 8 million Euros to the local community.
The Volos plant produces and trades 7 types of cement, clinker, solid fuels and aggregates. It is one of the largest cement production plants in Europe with a capacity of 4 million tons.