Corporate Social Responsibility programs


There are people who inspire us with their daily efforts. They show us the way with their perseverance, hard work and self-sacrifice. They change our lives without even knowing them. These people need strong supporters to continue their valuable work. We at at HERACLES Group fulfill this role, implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility program "One more task". Having laid the foundations for the transformation of Greece, through great infrastructure projects and continuous development, we want to pioneer, as well, with our offer to society.

Through our Corporate Social Responsibility program "One more feat" we aim to further strengthen society, take care of the environment, empower local entrepreneurship, support young people and their dreams, take care of socially vulnerable groups and contribute to public health.


One more feat for all

Through the multi-disciplinary Corporate Social Responsibility program "One more feat" and the pillar "for all" we aim to further strengthen society as a whole. Learn more about the actions we have taken to support this commitment.

One more feat for education

The young heroes of Special Education Schools inspire us with their daily struggles. So are their fellow travelers, parents and teachers. That is why we practically support every effort to upgrade the educational process of these children.

One more feat for nature

At the HERACLES Group we have unlimited respect for the natural environment of our country and we support projects that make a more sustainable today and a better tomorrow a reality.

One more feat for youth

At HERACLES Group we know what it means to dream and how much effort someone needs to put in order to achieve his/her goals. That's why we stand next to young people, providing them with the necessary support in order to make their dreams come true.

One more feat for health

Health is the most valuable commodity, while the daily work performed by the medical staff in public health structures is undeniably commendable. We put people and society at the center of our cause and we practically support the "feats" of the medical staff providing them with the health infrastructure they need.

One more feat for the neighborhoods

We make the world around us better with small feats of great value for the wider society.